The results of my budding interest in photography. Most of these photos were slightly edited in darktable with the following filters:


"Cat yawn" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)

A grey and white cat with long whiskers taking a yawn while lying on the ground
cat_yawn_1920x1080.jpg cat_yawn_600x480.jpg cat_yawn.avif cat_yawn.jxl

"Cat's eye view" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)

A grey and white cat with yellow eyes staring at the camera with a disdainful expression
cat_stare_1920x1080.jpg cat_stare_600x480.jpg cat_stare.avif cat_stare.jxl

"Tank tree in shade" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)

A willow tree on the muddy edge of a tank (which is Southern slang for a small stock pond) with some light glinting off the water
tank_tree_shade_1920x1080.jpg tank_tree_shade_600x480.jpg tank_tree_shade.avif tank_tree_shade.jxl

"Hanging on" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)

A brown fall leaf attached to a thin branch. The photograph has film noise.
fall_leaf_1920x1080.jpg fall_leaf_600x480.jpg fall_leaf.avif fall_leaf.jxl

"Entropy" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)

A tree split in two, with one half forming a large log and the standing half looking like the scream face
split_tree_1920x1080.jpg split_tree_600x480.jpg split_tree.avif split_tree.jxl

"Sunset over Fort Parker" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)

Sunset-colored clouds over a lake with many small ripples



18 mm

ISO 110

ft_parker_sunset1_1920x1080.jpg ft_parker_sunset1_600x480.jpg ft_parker_sunset1.avif ft_parker_sunset1.jxl

"Ducks in Lake Springfield" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)

Two small brown ducks swimming in a lake. There is a handrail in the corner of the frame



55 mm

ISO 800

ft_parker_ducks_1920x1080.jpg ft_parker_ducks_600x480.jpg ft_parker_ducks.avif ft_parker_ducks.jxl

"untitled" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)

A red cardinal perching on the handle of a bicycle



55 mm

ISO 4000

ft_parker_flapjack_1920x1080.jpg ft_parker_flapjack_600x480.jpg ft_parker_flapjack.avif ft_parker_flapjack.jxl

"Playstation in basket" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)

A black rat with a white nose peeks over the edge of a small basket



30 mm

ISO 6400

ps4_basket_1920x1080.jpg ps4_basket_600x480.jpg ps4_basket.avif ps4_basket.jxl

"Frozen Crosswalk" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)

A US pedestrian sign, with a halo from the sun, with icicles hanging off of it



18 mm

ISO 100

frozen_crosswalk_1920x1080.jpg frozen_crosswalk_600x480.jpg frozen_crosswalk.avif frozen_crosswalk.jxl

"Partial Solar Eclipse '24" (Public Domain)

A photograph of the partial eclipse. The sun appears as a bright white crescent, with the moon invisible. The photo appears to resemble a crescent moon.



200 mm

ISO 12800

partial_1920x1080.jpg partial_600x480.jpg partial.avif partial.jxl

"Total Solar Eclipse '24" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)

The sun, eclipsed by the moon. There is a bright glow around a black void. There is a hint of a pink burst on the lower-right side. The clouds surrounding the eclipse glow a dark purple.



200 mm

ISO 1600

eclipse_1920x1080.jpg eclipse_600x480.jpg eclipse.avif eclipse.jxl

"Model satellite @ Modelmaina" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)

A cubic satellite with RCS thrusters at the corners. There is a high-gain antenna on the top face, and solar panels attached to the side faces. The model's size is approximately 4 inches cubed



35 mm

ISO 2000

model_sat_0001_1920x1080.jpg model_sat_0001_600x480.jpg model_sat_0001.avif model_sat_0001.jxl

"Model satellite @ Modelmaina (perspective 2)" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)

A cubic satellite with RCS thrusters at the corners. There is a high-gain antenna on the top face, and solar panels attached to the side faces. The model's size is approximately 4 inches cubed



35 mm

ISO 2000

model_sat_0002_1920x1080.jpg model_sat_0002_600x480.jpg model_sat_0002.avif model_sat_0002.jxl

"Unknown Waterfowl at Kensington Royal Gardens" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)



145 mm

ISO 3600

kensington_duck_1920x1080.jpg kensington_duck_600x480.jpg kensington_duck.avif kensington_duck.jxl

"Otter in Seldovia" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)

A sea otter in grey water yawning with its mouth open and paws on cheeks



135 mm

ISO 1800

otter_1920x1080.jpg otter_600x480.jpg otter.avif otter.jxl

"Streetlamp in London" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)

A streetlamp shaped somewhat like the Holy Hand Grenade, with a string of lights tied to its base



200 mm

ISO 360

london_lamp_1920x1080.jpg london_lamp_600x480.jpg london_lamp.avif london_lamp.jxl

"Fountain at Sacré Cœur" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)

A gothic fountain with a spout above a sculpted bowl. Water is flowing from the spout and falling into the overflowing bowl.



55 mm

ISO 500

paris_fountain_1920x1080.jpg paris_fountain_600x480.jpg paris_fountain.avif paris_fountain.jxl

"White Flowers at Fontainebleau" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)

A cluster of white flowers is on the right side of the image. The background is very blurred.



200 mm

ISO 250

fountainbleau_flowers_1920x1080.jpg fountainbleau_flowers_600x480.jpg fountainbleau_flowers.avif fountainbleau_flowers.jxl

"Banger Swiss Lamp" (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA)

A streetlamp with a cobweb in the centre. The lamp is lit with a cool white, while the background is a luscious shade of blue



120 mm

ISO 12800

lamp_1920x1080.jpg lamp_600x480.jpg lamp.avif lamp.jxl

electronic mail: jupiter@m.rdis.dev